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Perusing the web one day I happened upon #100DaysToOffload a challenge to write 100 blog posts in a year. I don't remember where I found it or why it particularly stuck with me. I've tried setting goals to write blog posts before and none of them have ever stuck.

And yet, now seemed right.


I think writing is important. I could link to a million and one articles and videos which all boil down to "writing is thinking". At the end of the day though there are a lot of things that I think are good for me that I just don't do.

So why now?

Recently I've gotten back into journaling and managed to keep that a nearly daily routine. And so when I ran into #100DaysToOffload I realized I could just take my practice of journaling and write blog posts part of the time, just putting a tiny sliver of polish and keeping the topics less personal.

The other part that pushed me was the decision to make this an anonymous blog. I'm not quite sure why I didn't do this before but keeping these posts separate from my name lowers the pressure (though no one read my personal blog so 🤷).

Mindfully Misinformed?

What's in a name? That which we call a rose/ By any other name would smell as sweet.

- Shakespeare

No, there's no meaning behind the name. I've always found choosing a username or email or domain name really difficult and high stakes as if I'll be stuck with these things forever (for those who still have usernames they made in middle school you know this isn't totally wrong). And so somehow through the use of a username generator and a fondness for alliteration I came upon Mindfully Misinformed and thought "I kind of really like that!".

Mindfulness is another one of those things that I think is important but find I don't practice it all that much. And god knows we're all a little misinformed. So there you have it!


If you somehow wandered over to this tiny little corner of the internet... welcome! I can't promise you'll leave here smarter or richer but I at least hope you had a good time and maybe enjoyed the coziness of stumbling into someone's internet Hobbit hole. 🙂